Cospec Innolab


DiPlan is a system based on BIM data to support construction planning work at construction sites.
The system assists users in intuitive and effective establishment of temporary construction plans, earthwork plans, frame plans,
lifting plans and others on a three-dimensional basis. Unlike existing simulation tools that show construction process over time,
DiPlan allows to establish the optimal construction plan based on various visual information and engineering analysis information.
DiPlan was developed through joint investment between Daelim Co., Ltd. and Cospec Innolab Co., Ltd.


Site/Earth Work Planning based on 3D geological model of site
Framework Exact calculation of frame amount based on 3D BIM model
Temporary Work Efficient review of the layout of temporary work such as automatic
tire washer/falling prevention net/scaffold/temporary road
Lifting Optimal placement and lifting load review through visualization
of lifting equipment locations
Equipment Heavy equipment placement and vehicle trajectory review


Calculate the number of required equipment and working days
based on soil volume

Calculate the amount of concrete, formwork and rebar using
3D BIM model
PC Member Load Load information visualization of PC members based on BIM model
Lifting Interference review between tower cranes
Tower crane work schedule chart
Interference review between works and visual review of layout
Efficient communication support


Automated scheduling of earthwork and framework
Integrated visualization of the entire construction schedule
Interwork with
P6 and MS-Project
Schedule information to P6 or MS-Project

Cospec Innolab
an innovative creator of intelligent BIM solutions

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